照片:HBO Max
安息吧,英雄偵探科林·扎貝爾。我真的沒想到會發生這種事! I screamed! Good-bye, Evan Peters, you were good in this role and I hope you escape from the Ryan Murphy universe more often!
In hindsight, maybe the indicators were there for Colin's exit. He made his peace with Mare's tunnel vision during their date, he came clean to her about what really happened with that case that got him the wunderkind label, and he kissed her. His “How do you know what I want?” was cheeky and flirty, and while I'm not entirely sure how much Mare seriously considered him romantically before or after their awful date, I don't think she disliked the kiss. And I think his murder will weigh on her for a long time.怎麼可能不呢? She steered the investigation, although officially suspended. She went into Wayne Potts's (Jeb Kreager) house, knowing that she didn't have a gun. I'm not saying Mare caused Wayne to shoot and kill Zabel; of course, she's not responsible for his actions. But why not disengage from the house, keep eyes on it, and immediately call for backup? Why not ease up, instead of further instigate?
但另一方面,凱蒂和米西也在場,她們需要幫助。 The banging of that pipe was impossible to ignore, or假裝忽略。如果科林和马雷离开,韦恩就不会立即进入那个地下室杀死凯蒂和米西,就像他杀死希拉里一样,希拉里是他绑架并让她怀孕的年轻女子——马雷知道她的失蹤案,但至今沒有任何進展?這裡沒有什麼好的選擇。
Before “Illusions” takes us to Bennie's Tavern, the episode wanders through small-town life in Easttown. Erin's death and Katie's and Missy's disappearances aren't forgotten, but the reality is that life goes on.當然,並不適合所有人; goodbye to Mrs. Carroll, who never found out who graffitied breasts on that shed and who died of a heart attack while driving to buy cereal. Sorry that your husband Glen (Patrick McDade) had an affair with Helen and decided to come clean about it at your funeral!
Other than that, though, time moves forward, for better and for worse. Siobhan's relationship with Anne is now established enough that the latter is hanging out at the Sheehans' house, and that Siobhan tells Frank about her.與此同時,弗蘭克和費耶的關係陷入困境,費耶沒有檢查他們的婚禮場地。罗斯一家正在处理婚姻冲突:约翰对洛瑞不忠,朱丽安·尼科尔森问他们的儿子瑞安(卡梅隆·曼饰)“你爸爸又这样做了吗?”时,她真的感到筋疲力尽。洛瑞真的願意按照肯尼的要求,獨自聘請 DJ 嗎? Won't the Hinchey parents be devastated by that?瑞安也在處理一些糟糕的事情,他攻擊了學校裡欺負他妹妹莫伊拉(卡西·蒙亨克飾)的惡霸。 I'm sincerely hoping that other kid got suspended too because天啊, did he suck.讓一切回到我們的核心謎團,這起暴力事件是否意味著瑞安是他表弟艾琳謀殺案的嫌疑犯?我不這麼認為。我從一開始就越來越傾向於明顯的嫌疑犯:迪倫。
If we are to take Mark at his word, someone lured Erin to the place where she was shot.是誰? My current theory is that it was Dylan, telling Erin that he was not going to pay for DJ's ear surgery — or maybe even that he wanted to break up with Brianna, and wanted to get back together? What could have made Erin “hysterical” enough that she would derail going home? Whatever happened, it's clear that Dylan, Jess, and Sean are in on某物傑西一直聽從迪倫的指示,告訴馬雷關於艾琳的日記和那條項鍊的事情(「沒什麼,就像你說的」)。她是否也可以因為迪倫告訴她,就告訴馬雷她對弗蘭克或艾琳的 SideDoor 帳戶的懷疑?傑西是否也在艾琳活著的時候假裝自己是她的朋友來欺騙她?迪倫和布麗安娜約會只是為了掩飾故事嗎?這裡到底有多少不誠實行為?傑西從艾琳的日記中取出的那張照片是什麼?
Maybe all this obfuscation legitimately derails any progress Mare might have made on the case, and I'm going to assume losing Colin hurts the case, too. Before Colin's death, though, he and Mare click together as a cohesive investigative partnership. Mare's old CI Tammy (Rosa Arrendondo) connects them with another sex worker, Allie (Bronwen O'Connor), who was attacked by a white man driving a blue work truck, near the area where Missy would later be abducted. The incredibly resourceful Allie wrote down part of his license plate; Colin gets seven hits back from the Pennsylvania DMV;於是馬雷和科林開始敲門。他們與波茨的談話很真實沉默的羔羊vibe, with Colin and Mare pushing further into the house and noticing little clues that told them this was their man, and then with the chase scene that put Mare in contact with the abducted women.导演克雷格·佐贝尔(Craig Zobel)表演得很好,虽然我怀疑马雷会死,因为以她命名的节目中的主角不会在七集中的第五集中去世,但她还是有一些真正的緊張和恐懼躲避波茨。
But then Mare gets her hands on Colin's gun, and then she shoots Potts enough times to kill him, and then she waits for the police to come, and then she thinks of her son, and of the invitation he extended to her in the video of his seventh birthday — footage that Siobhan was using in her documentary about her brother. “Let's jump in together,” Kevin had (literally) said to her so many years ago, and now Kevin is dead. 「讓我們一起調查,」科林(象徵性地)幾週前對她說,現在科林已經死了。馬雷孤零零地矗立著,似乎是個孤獨的地方。
• I know I'm a pessimist, but this seems like a useful reminder about life, just in general: “Doing something great is overrated. 'Cause then people expect that from you, all the time.他們沒有意識到你和他們一樣搞砸了。
• Another reason I think Deacon Mark might be innocent: the way Erin wrote about him in her journal. 「馬克執事說我想太多了。 He is really nice but I don't know about God too much.” Nothing too impassioned there, nothing enraged or enamored. Just a girl writing somewhat blandly but honestly about someone she's trying to trust. I'm not suggesting Mark is innocent of whatever potentially happened at his last parish, but I just don't think he was harming Erin.
• 与此同时,本周马雷在治疗上似乎取得了突破,她向治疗师透露,她的父亲自杀了,她自己也曾有过抑郁症发作,她担心家庭的心理健康问题是导致凯文上癮和自殺的原因。 Given all that, the tight grip she's holding on Drew is a little more understandable.
• Shoutout to Tammy, living her best life and proving that sex work is work: “I have a few older gentlemen I visit once a week and tickle their balls.嘿嘿,交房租了!
• I've asked this before, and I'll ask it again: How did Dylan's very nice parents produce such a terrible-seeming son? He threatens Brianna, he pockets the money for DJ's ear surgery, and he probably won't actually use the cash for the surgery since DJ isn't his biological son.你看起來很糟糕,老兄!
• 「死後,每個人都是聖人,」海倫談到卡羅爾夫人時說道。這是關於艾琳的某種伏筆嗎?
• Also about Erin: If she never met with any clients as part of the SideDoor website, where did the money for DJ's ear surgery come from?這就是比利叔叔的奇怪之處嗎?
• 还要感谢埃文·彼得斯(Evan Peters),他以两种截然不同的台词表达了“天哪!”:他对Mare 盛装出席约会的反应令人印象深刻,而他对她承认陷害Carrie持有毒品的行為感到震驚。