And so it goes throughout. Leon clearly sees the play in a more straightforwardly tragic register than a complicatedly performative one. Arnufo Maldonado's set, a cutaway stage that stands apart from elaborate proscenium curtains, puts light air quotes around the action, and Allen Lee Hughes's lighting homes in on certain key moments. But these are anomalies in a straightforwardly realistic staging, one in which the focus is on the unfolding of the minimal plot.它是由相反的、甚至不是完全平行的运动驱动的:林肯,一个疲惫不堪的前三牌蒙特学者,在朋友去世后拒绝了这种喧嚣,而他的弟弟布斯则急切地想加入这个游戏。 Lincoln insists that he won't touch the cards anymore, but we know how addiction stories go: By the end of the first act, he's drawn back to the table, hovering over fast-moving folded cards like a deejay spinning records.
逾越刺客美國劇retained this lingering whiff of absurdity, the new production takes this insane idea at face value.我很遗憾地说,现在看来完全有可能想象一个世界,在这个世界里,某些人会排队并花大钱假装再次射杀伟大的解放者,如果他是一个黑人扮演这个角色,那就更是如此。